Wednesday, September 10, 2008

EXPLORATION2: Relationship between Japanese Buddhism and Construction

Quick Analysis:

There is various key points, but I have mainly interested in 3 things.

  1. Respecting nature

  2. building becomes a part of landscape

  3. distinctive thought of "Birth-Death"


Origin of characters

Firstly, I have found that there is a different type of language in Buddhism as they have distinctive thoughts and believes.

Usually, Since Japanese people recognise "BIRTH" and "DEATH" as different events, we have separated characters for each "BIRTH-生" and "DEATH-死".

Alternatively, Buddhism is expressed "BIRTH and DEATH" by a word (Fig 1). They combine 2 distinctive words together to create a word to express "BIRTH and DEATH". They also pronouce it differently.

Why...? I feel so curious...

An explanation said that Buddism believes "BIRTH" and "DEATH" are happened together (a same evet). The "BIRTH" and "DEATH" are always circulating in the Buddism World.

According to this thought, Buddhism are respecting "Nature" and any kinds of circulation(和), such as human activity(Anthropology), botany and zoology.

The Structure of Japanese Traditional building has been developed by these buddhism backgraoud. They focus on how they can assimilate with nature, landscape. How they can organise a well circulation and connection in buildings. They always consider about human activities and the effects of nature.

As I attached some pictures of Japanese Traditional Structure previously, they are using natural materials to have maximum results of light, ventilation and connection with nature.

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