I have been kept concerning about human behaviours and occupant comforts since assignment 1, such as connection with family, nature, relaxation zones and so on....
Now I have decided to design a whole families block, so I want to have maximum possibility of sharing zones. I believe it produces a sense of connection and comfort.
Again, I can express my main concept "BIRTH-DEATH" by creating active and inactive spaces. However, I reckon I need sub-active space in this time.
- BIRTH: ACTIVE ( because starting to be active to live, and they are pure mind without any distructs)
- LIVE: MID-ACTIVE (because there are waves between good time and bad time during this time)
- DEATH: INACTIVE (because ends an entire life)
Now I have decided internal views...
So I start to concern about external view of houses...
As my concept "BIRTH-DEATH" and futher explorations are strongly corresponding to human behaviours and activities, I studied the structure of human body. This would help me to develop the surface of houses and structural attempts. As I have mentioned in the previous studies, I want to use Japanese Traditional Structure skills. However, I want to concern about sustainable architecture as well.
Well, I have mainly studied of 3 points;
All of these parts of bodies has meanings that I have chosen.
- skin: Shelter, protection from outside---------surface
- muscle: power (giving evergy to tenants)-----water supply/ ventilation/ natural light
- bone: supports -------------------------------structure

- Skin: providing a sense of secure, and privacy
- muscle: providing connection of family, and relaxation zones to release their tireness
- bone: sharing zones, helping each other
I have examined expectable human behaviours in their house. Especially, we can know that children will do unexpectable movements, so I need to expect crazy behaviours may be happened (play ground).
This is the images of expectable poses when they are relaxing.
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